Seek the Lord

We Should be Seeking the Lord.

“There is nothing more important to us than seeking first God’s Kingdom and His righteousness,” Dave Roberson

“Let us seek the Lord without ceasing. Let us hunger after our God like never before. Let us lay down every weight and every sin that so easily besets us. Let us offer no excuse before our God of why we cannot seek Him. Let us offer no excuse of why we cannot go into Him.” Excerpt PDS

“Let Me bring the balance in your life and it will be a perfect and divine balance. As I’ve said in My word, seek Me and you will find Me, says the Lord.” Excerpt PDS

KJV – Matthew 6:33  But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

“So I call unto you. Seek Me and allow My glory to build up on the inside of you and together, you and I, we will attack the enemy and we will not lose, says the Lord.” Excerpt PDS

“If you would spend more time seeking Me and allowing Me to be the Lord both of your life and your home, you would see this strife diminish.” Excerpt PDS