NEW WORDS to an old tune from God’s perspective. Sing along,
I’ve been working on the Real-Road all the live-long day
I’ve been working on the Real-Road to distinctly mark THE WAY
Can’t you hear the shofar blowing, rise up early in the morn;
Can’t you hear the Captain shouting, Revival has been born!
I’ve been working on the Real-Road all years of your youth.
I’ve been working on the Real-Road to distinctly mark THE TRUTH
Can’t you hear My Army marching, obedient to command;
Can’t you hear the Captain shouting, It’s time to make your stand!
I’ve been working on the Real-Road to replace all paths of strife.
I’ve been working on the Real-Road taking what was to THE LIFE
Can’t you hear the trumpet blowing, rise up and align
Can’t you hear your Captain shouting, GO now, it’s harvest time!